How Do You Manage Stakeholder Expectations Against PR Realities?


    How Do You Manage Stakeholder Expectations Against PR Realities?

    When stakeholder expectations clash with the practicalities of public relations, navigating the tension can be a complex challenge. We sought the expertise of CEOs and Chief Marketing Officers to share their experiences and resolutions. From facilitating collaborative PR strategy adjustments to employing transparency and strategic media relationships, here are five insightful strategies that these leaders have successfully implemented.

    • Facilitate Collaborative PR Strategy Adjustments
    • Suggest Compromise with Teaser and Delay
    • Realign Messaging with Market and Stakeholder Values
    • Advocate for Phased PR Approach
    • Employ Transparency and Strategic Media Relationships

    Facilitate Collaborative PR Strategy Adjustments

    When stakeholder expectations clashed with PR realities, I first initiated a series of meetings to understand each stakeholder's priorities and concerns. I then thoroughly analyzed our current PR strategy and identified areas where adjustments were necessary to align better with stakeholder interests and realistic public perceptions. By presenting data-driven insights and potential compromises, I facilitated a collaborative discussion to refine our approach. The resolution involved a revised PR plan that balanced stakeholder aspirations with achievable goals, leading to improved stakeholder satisfaction and a more effective public image.

    Matt Gehring
    Matt GehringChief Marketing Officer, Dutch

    Suggest Compromise with Teaser and Delay

    A client once wanted to launch a product during a period when media attention was focused elsewhere, and I knew the coverage wouldn’t be effective. Rather than pushing back, I suggested a compromise: we released a teaser to build initial interest while delaying the full launch until the timing was more favorable.

    This solution met their need for immediate action while ensuring the product launch had a better chance of success later on.

    Matias Rodsevich
    Matias RodsevichFounder & CEO, PRLab

    Realign Messaging with Market and Stakeholder Values

    In one particular instance, I encountered a scenario where our stakeholders had high expectations for a product launch that aligned perfectly with our marketing narrative. However, the realities of the PR landscape indicated that our messaging might resonate less effectively with the target audience due to recent market shifts. To bridge this gap, I convened a meeting with key stakeholders to openly discuss the data that informed our PR strategy and highlight potential misalignment risks.

    By fostering a collaborative environment, we could recalibrate our approach; we adjusted the launch messaging to better reflect consumer sentiment while still honoring the core values that our stakeholders prioritized. The outcome improved stakeholder satisfaction and resulted in a more successful launch, demonstrating the importance of transparency and adaptation in navigating such complex situations.

    David Zhang
    David ZhangCEO, Kate Backdrops

    Advocate for Phased PR Approach

    I faced a challenging situation where a client wanted immediate, widespread media coverage for a product launch that wasn't fully developed. I knew that pushing for coverage too soon could lead to negative press or unmet expectations, which would damage the brand's reputation.

    To navigate this, I focused on aligning the stakeholders' expectations with the PR realities. I organized a meeting to explain the importance of timing and how launching with a more polished product would yield better results. I also proposed an alternative plan: a phased PR approach. This involved starting with a soft launch to gather initial feedback and build anticipation, followed by a full media push once the product was ready for prime time.

    It wasn't easy to convince everyone at first, but I consistently communicated the potential risks of rushing and highlighted how a strategic approach would better serve long-term goals. In the end, we went with the phased approach, and the product received positive media coverage that aligned with its final quality.

    Kenan Acikelli
    Kenan AcikelliCEO, Workhy

    Employ Transparency and Strategic Media Relationships

    It can be tricky, but open and transparent communication is key. I encountered this when a client wanted to launch a product with heavy media coverage, expecting top-tier outlets to give immediate attention, even though the product didn’t have a compelling news hook. Their expectations didn’t align with the realities of the media landscape, where newsworthiness and timing matter most.

    To address this, I first acknowledged their goals and then explained the challenges realistically, backed by insights into media trends and journalists' preferences. I suggested a more strategic approach: focusing on building relationships with niche media outlets that were more likely to be interested in the product, while simultaneously creating a longer-term plan to pitch larger outlets once we had customer testimonials and stronger data to support the story.

    The resolution was a compromise. We launched with targeted, relevant media coverage, which generated positive reviews and built momentum. Over time, this allowed us to attract bigger outlets when the product had more traction and a stronger story. Managing stakeholder expectations through transparency and strategy allowed us to meet long-term goals while respecting PR realities.

    Tanya Lamont
    Tanya LamontCEO, Conversational