How Do You Seamlessly Integrate Public Relations With Content Marketing?


    How Do You Seamlessly Integrate Public Relations With Content Marketing?

    In the quest to blend the art of public relations with the strategy of content marketing, we've gathered insights from seven industry experts, including CEOs and a Director. They share their wisdom from repurposing PR success into content to integrating PR pivots into your social strategy. Dive into the seamless synergy of PR and content marketing with advice straight from the top.

    • Repurpose PR Success into Content
    • Foster PR and Content Team Collaboration
    • Use PR Events to Fuel Content Series
    • Align Brand Message Across Channels
    • Plan Dual-Purpose Content Calendar
    • Align Content with Core Brand Values
    • Integrate PR Pivots into Social Strategy

    Repurpose PR Success into Content

    One key strategy for integrating public relations with content marketing is to repurpose PR success stories into various content formats. By turning PR achievements into case studies, blog posts, or social-media updates, you can amplify your brand's reach and showcase its impact.

    This not only stretches the value of your PR efforts but also offers your audience authentic, relatable stories that build trust and interest.

    Matias Rodsevich
    Matias RodsevichFounder & CEO, PRLab

    Foster PR and Content Team Collaboration

    A critical aspect is fostering collaboration between your PR and content teams. In our experience, breaking down silos and encouraging regular communication between these departments led to more cohesive and impactful campaigns. For instance, when launching a new feature, our content team would create in-depth articles and social media posts, while our PR team worked on press releases and media outreach. By sharing insights and aligning on goals, we maximized our efforts and achieved better results. This synergy between PR and content marketing is essential for building a strong, unified brand presence.

    Dinesh Agarwal
    Dinesh AgarwalFounder, CEO, RecurPost

    Use PR Events to Fuel Content Series

    An effective strategy is to use major public-relations events or product launches as a springboard for a series of related content-marketing initiatives. When you launch a new product, for example, don't just stop at a press release. Develop a comprehensive blog series, an email newsletter campaign, and even a webinar that dives deeper into the benefits and features of the product, the technology behind it, or the problem it solves. This not only maximizes the reach and lifespan of your PR efforts but also provides substantial content that engages and educates your audience, turning initial buzz into sustained engagement.

    Marc Bishop
    Marc BishopDirector, Wytlabs

    Align Brand Message Across Channels

    Integrating public relations with content marketing strategies assists in amplifying the reach of the content, ensuring the brand message is consistent across all channels. This is no different than using search engine optimization to engage with target customers while tailoring content for media professionals who are in search of a genuine source of information. To build a consistent brand image, build trust, and improve visibility, my advice is to:

    - Begin by identifying key media contacts and platforms.

    - Tailor your content for customers and journalists based on past publications.

    - Allure journalists with press releases, infographics, and other relevant content to the brand’s media kit.

    - Create FOMO and offer exclusive content. For instance, to increase brand awareness, use platforms like the Help a Reporter Out Tool (HARO).

    - Use tools like Google Alerts or Mention to measure the rate of engagement and shares. This will help determine the success of PR in sync with content marketing endeavors.

    Faizan Khan
    Faizan KhanPublic Relations and Content Marketing Specialist, Ubuy Australia

    Plan Dual-Purpose Content Calendar

    Develop a dual-purpose content calendar that aligns both PR milestones and content marketing releases. This planning ensures that when you issue a press release or secure a media appearance, there is corresponding in-depth content available on your website or social media platforms. For example, if you're announcing a major partnership, have detailed blog posts or an interview series ready to go that delve deeper into how the partnership will benefit customers. This method enriches the initial PR buzz with substantial content that engages and educates your audience, keeping them engaged beyond the initial announcement.

    Jason Hennessey
    Jason HennesseyCEO, Hennessey Digital

    Align Content with Core Brand Values

    When it comes to integrating PR with content marketing, the secret is to make sure everything you do is in alignment with your core values and key brand messages. This means that every piece of content you create—whether it's writing a blog post for SEO, pitching a reporter, or drafting a press release—should clearly reflect what your brand stands for and the message you're aiming to deliver.

    When your audience sees that every interaction with your brand reinforces the same values and messages, it builds trust and recognition, making your brand more memorable and credible.

    Simultaneously, developing a content marketing & PR strategy that's reciprocal is critical. The PR coverage and backlinks you earn should drive exposure and traffic to your content. In turn, the content you create should be valuable and engaging enough to attract more publicity and generate even more backlinks. This creates a cycle where each element of your strategy supports and enhances the other, amplifying your overall impact.

    Blair Nicole
    Blair NicoleCEO & Founder, Media Moguls PR

    Integrate PR Pivots into Social Strategy

    Inserting PR content pivots into the social media strategy before pitching is the best advice I can give.

    When we wanted to land tech partnerships for a client, but their social strategy did not touch on AI or tech, we shifted their content strategy and used it as pitch leverage, landing them long-term paid partnerships.

    When we wanted to get a client featured as a thought leader in the health industry and an expert in her field, we shifted her content strategy to address common health trends and debunk them, landing her massive exposure.

    It's crucial that your content aligns with your pitch, as this significantly increases your chances of success. A bonus tip: Once you've secured features, you can integrate them back into your content strategy to enhance credibility and generate leads.

    Lauren Howell
    Lauren HowellPublicist, Put Into Words