What are some free press release websites?

What Is One Place Where I Can Distribute A Press Release For Free?
To help you know where you can distribute your press release for free, we asked PR managers and business leaders this question for their best recommendations. From your local chamber of commerce to Newswire to Patch.com, there are several platforms and services that may allow you to feature and distribute your press releases to the public without charge.
Here Are 12 Places To Share A Press Release For Free:
- Your Local Chamber of Commerce
- EPR Network
- PRlog
- PR.com
- The Associated Press
- Online PR News
- iCrowdNewswire Release Suite
- Newswire
- JournoLink.
- Patch.com
Your Local Chamber of Commerce
You can distribute a free press release by being a member of your local city's Chamber of Commerce. You may have to pay for a membership to join your local Chamber. After becoming a member, you can publish numerous press releases for free and get featured in local news outlets that can publicize your event or announcement.
Annette Harris, Harris Financial Coaching
EPR Network
EPR Network is a good site for free press release services. EPR Network allows users to distribute their press releases to online news outlets, blogs, and social media platforms. The site actively engages individuals, journalists, other media professionals, and companies on a daily basis in order to disseminate press release content.
EPR Network is effective in the digital environment with distribution to the public through social media as well as blog sites. The site has an approval time of two days for press releases. EPR network can offer true value with its free functions.
Liza Kirsh, DYMAPAK
PRlog will be the best choice for most. Keep in mind that nothing is entirely 'free' (usually in the form of superior service for payers). PRlog provides the most comprehensive number of benefits for those who are looking for free press. There are plenty of sites that will allow you to publish your press release for free, but the devil is in the detail.
PRlog lets you add videos and links without charging you extra as well. Both video and links are elements to a press release that draw more attention to your brand, which is why they’re the perfect place to monetize for a business looking to make some turnaround.
That they allow users to add these without charge is simply excellent. It’s an extra that helps you get a leg up in your press releases that a lot of other sites will nickel and dime for.
Alex Chavarry, Cool Links
Paid and free press release distribution plans are available on PR.com. Up to five targeted industries, publication on PR.com, keyword optimization, and file attachments for adding a video, image, or other sorts of material to your release are all included in the free plan. The cost of clickable hyperlinks in media or text is $29.95 per link.
For an additional price of $100 or $300, same-day or next-day distribution is possible. Paid plans come with an embedded image, distribution in addition to PR.com publication, and a larger number of industries to target.
Robin Roy Krigslund-Hansen, Formula Swiss
The Associated Press
The Associated Press (AP) is one of the world’s largest news distribution agencies. Make sure to label a press release as relevant to one of their many branches when submitting to them—this includes Real Estate, Finance, and Banking, among other varying divisions. The AP’s preferred method for receiving press releases is by email, at info@ap.org.
Ray Leon, Pet Insurance Review
Twitter is one of the most effective locations where a brand or organization can distribute a press release for free. Social media is a digital public square and oftentimes the functions are free to use. Twitter is a prime example of this digital public square function. What makes Twitter especially useful for press releases is the fact that many well-known journalists and media outlets have an active presence on the platform which they use to disseminate their own stories.
Press releases from organizations can easily be picked up through a tweet due to this dynamic. Additionally, the public can be exposed to a press release from an organization's twitter account without that information being filtered through a media outlet. This is what makes Twitter so effective in spreading information for free.
Katy Carrigan, Goody
Online PR News
Have you heard of Online PR News? Bet on it, as it’s probably one of the most well-known free press release submissions websites. The site offers a freemium model that has its limits, but overall it passes the test.
You get a URL link, page title, meta tag, and a downloadable PDF version of the press release. This is enough if you have low needs. But for a small (or larger) fee, you can expand the site functionalities. But actually, the best thing about Online PR News is the site’s excellent user experience.
You don’t have to deal with an outdated interface and intuitive layout. A few seconds and a few clicks let you find what you are looking for. And since it's free, you can try it yourself.
Nina Paczka, MyPerfectResume
iCrowdNewswire Release Suite
The iCrowdNewswire Release Suite is one of the best places you can distribute free press releases. Founded in 2015, the platform has changed the game in traditional releases. It incorporates as driven distribution methods powered by Google.
One fantastic thing about it utilizes both paid social and digital media distribution via LinkedIn, Google, and Facebook. This combination elevates your releases to new levels and achieves the targeted return on investment (ROI).
Gisera Matanda, WeLoans
I like to use Newswire to circulate press releases because they have such huge networks already established and ready to be easily reached. There are free and paid options, but either way, you will get access to sending news to a huge audience, as well as detailed tracking reports that help you visualize how you’re performing and storage for brand assets.
I also love the additional included tool of access to their editorial team. I run a small business, so it is super helpful to have trained eyes at the ready to review any content before sending it out. With all of these perks, Newswire is a natural choice for a small business looking to circulate press for free.
Chandler Rogers, Relay
Think outside the traditional channels. A clever strategy is to connect on LinkedIn with reporters, freelance writers, and bloggers who cover your industry. Then publish your press release to your LinkedIn feed.
If your news is compelling, it will reach these influential people. They can write about your company and they can like and share your press release, multiplying the reach of your press release to their reporter and blogger friends.
Scott Lieberman, Touchdown Money
UK-based PR company JournoLink has signed a partnership agreement with The National Enterprise Network (NEN) to offer small businesses and enterprise support providers a leg-up when it comes to drawing media coverage.
The JournoLink software features a press release distribution function that targets 10,000 journalists, bloggers, and broadcasters, increasing the prospect of achieving coverage in local or national media.
Ben Richardson, Acuity Training
Patch.com is a great local resource to share community and business announcements. There is not a section for every city, but it does cover most major areas. The website is easy to use and articles can rank well in Google Search. There is a word count limit so it won't work well for longer pieces or news that is not super local.
Ashley Romer, PaperStreet Web Design
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